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My nephews yaya i really admire this person even though she is away with her family she still manage to be happy. she has been with my elder sister for more than 9 years now she also took care of me when i was little that was what my mother told me tho i don't really remember. I started taking pictures of her to observe her daily life or daily routine inside the house, because they barely see her go outside of the house and they don't often see her smile or laugh.

this is her talking to her Grandson every morning, they aren't really talking about any specific topic she's just happy hearing his voice.


This is her cutting out some paper to change an alternative for the kusot to put in the hamsters cage.

the hamster was given by nephew.


This is her doing chores.




She is reading her novena every afternoon.


This is her favorite resting spot and her favorite spot to watch tv.

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